Today and throughout history, jewelry has been used to express ourselves, where we are, how we see the world and how we see ourselves.
At its best, jewelry is wearable art that is both inspired and inspiring. Forging unique pieces which speak to people on an individual and elemental level guides my work and reminds me to trust the creative process.
It’s really about allowing the stones and metals to lead me wherever I need to go. What or who will be my next source of inspiration? There is an excitement in not knowing what stone or design will speak to me next and where the journey will take us.
Recently, I find myself deeply inspired by stories of strength and determination.
Struggles can build resilience; challenges create opportunities and it is in these shared stories of human connection that a wealth of inspiration exists.
It may sound strange to think of jewelry as being imbued with such power and symbolism, but what is art but a creation of collective experiences, inspiration and the drive to tell the untold story that lives within us.